I Didn’t Even Realize I Manifested This Amazing Experience …Until It Happened

Do you believe in manifestation? Do you know what it is?? Manifestation is when a thought or idea becomes a reality. There are zillions of examples, but let me start with something simple. Let’s take coffee.

One of my favorite places we visited was Marrakech, Morocco. I wanted to book a very beautiful hotel where I could take pictures that was also a little removed from town so we stayed at the Amanjena

Manifestation Moment

We toured the city sites with an Airbnb guide, visited the souks, even had dinner and a camel ride in the  in the desert. The entire trip was magic…! Literally.

What to Do

Shortly after we arrived, I was Googling things to see in Marrakech. We had our desert excursion and tour planned, but nothing else. One place kept popping up in my search…  La Mamounia. It’s a very famous and exclusive hotel. 

 I started doing a bit more digging and noticed a very familiar photo. It was a blogger holding her partner’s hands in a beautiful location. I was wracking my brain trying to remember why that image looked so familiar. I knew that I had seen it before.

Recreating the Picture

You see the first picture above? Look in the bottom right corner…that’s the photo I added to my vision board a year and a half ago.  When I added it, I had NO clue where the photo was taken. I simply thought it was beautiful and it made me feel free.

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