BusbeeStyle Sale Email | VIDEO: Beauty HAUL




I LOVE beauty products. Always have.

(I think you will sense my giddiness in this video)

In this video, I show you some of my new faves!

To see SALE listings, keep scrolling

Hope you enjoy… Erin xo















Only ONE day left! Be sure to check out my picks… (link above)


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Ann Taylor Loft, CLICK HERE

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YOUTUBERS mentioned in VIDEO:

“EmilyNoel83” – https://www.youtube.com/user/emilynoel83

“Sharon Farrell” – https://www.youtube.com/user/sharonmakeupartist

“Michele1218” – https://www.youtube.com/user/michele1218

“MsGoldGirl” – https://www.youtube.com/user/MsGoldgirl


* Thank you so much for supporting me and my mission and shopping through my revenue generating links! It allows me to continue creating FREE content. I appreciate it so much!! Erin xo

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  1. Jill S Berry says:

    Hi Erin.. I really enjoyed this video.. as I also LOVE beauty products.. I actually did think the 1st lipstick you had on, looked a tad better. a little bit pinker, I think. But, I definitely can’t afford to pay that much for lipstick! I have a few Elf products, already, and I am going top look for the ones you mentioned. They are always very reasonable and really look good and work well, for me. I also want to look for the Maybeline eye brightener.. I tend to have under eye circles, almost daily………I am so upset about The Loft, right now.. I ordered the silver Modern Flip Flops and when I got them they were TOO big.. ..So I returned them , paying $7.00 to ship them back, and had already been charged $9.00 for the initial shipping. Well, I had to contact them, bc I hadn’t heard anything. So, I contacted them via email.. And, they emailed me back, and said my money would be credited to my credit card account, minus my shipping charges (BOTH ways!),bc the “Flip Flops were no longer available, Online, or in their stores”! Well,that was NOT true! I checked, AGAIN, and they do have the exact same flip flops,(called Modern Flip Flops and the SAME item #s)), in silver, gold , black and brown, and , IN my size, which is 8! Except , now they are $24.50! So, what are they trying to pull? I am not going to be out $16.00 in shipping costs , and get credited back for $14.95! And, I told them so! And, I am not paying an extra $10.00 for them, either. When I purchased them, they were $14.95! I haven’t heard back from them ,yet. But, that really did upset me. Maybe I am blowing it all out of proportion, but we don’t have lots of money ,to just be throwing it away!! And ,plus, I really wanted those flip flops Do you think I handled it wrong?
    Sorry for this crazy comment, Erin.. I really would appreciate any help you can give me. luv Jill xxoo

    • busbeestyle says:

      I am SO sorry about your experience with Loft. That is SUCH a bummer. Shipping hurts. I don’t ever want to pay for shipping. I don’t think fighting for savings is a bad thing, as long as you are respectful to the people involved. The squeaky wheel gets the grease! Thanks for your comment. I don’t think it’s crazy. Erin xo

      • Jill Berry says:

        Thanks so much for your input, Erin! You have such confidence and seem so level headed.Oh, and I was respectful, but firm,and guess what? They gave me my silver flip flops, for the $14.70 price, in my size 8, and NO shipping!! Yay!! And, I received them in about 3 days, too! 🙂 I think what really got to them, was when I emailed them, the last time , after getting nowhere, and simply said…” I would like to have the name and phone number, of your supervisor, and/ or the Ceo of this company, please! Thank you! Sincerely…”. I think you’re definitely right. The squeaky wheel DOES get the grease! Ha ha My Mother was always assertive, but, I tend to be more reserved, in situations like that. I’m so glad I got up my courage, and stood up ,for what I believed! Anyway, I am enjoying wearing my flip flops , and,I am so glad I didn’t just give in to them. Thank you again, for ALL your helpful and wonderful tips and opinions, for all of us ladies!
        I sure do hope your husband is getting better, day by day.. and, his hip is healing well. My thoughts and prayers are continuing.. Oh, and the sniper in Colorado must have stopped , at least for now. I really hope he doesn’t start, again! My daughter, and son and daughter in law, are ok.. But, it’s still a worry, since they don’t know who was doing it. 🙁 And ,the tornadoes and sink holes haven’t affected them, so far, either. My daughter is in Ft .Collins, north of Denver and my son is in Colorado Springs, about an hour south of his sister….Thanks so much for your kind thoughts, Erin. I really appreciate it, so much! Love Jill xxoo

        • busbeestyle says:

          Good for you, Jill! I’m glad you got your shipping money back and the sandals! Yay! Being assertive is not a natural trait for most of us women. I learned, trial by fire, when I lived in NYC for ten years. It was pretty much sink or swim. Before that experience, I was pretty quiet and reserved also. WHY HAVEN’T THEY CAUGHT THE SNIPER?? Yikes! Scary. Here’s hoping they nab the psycho coward. Thanks for your support! Erin xo

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