Shop with Me at Nordstrom | 3 Looks, 2 Body Types


My friend, Susan came up with this concept…featuring the same look on 2 different body types.
I’m a petite, rectangle shape (no waist)
And, since Susan came up with the idea, she is my first model!
Susan is 5’8″ tall, and a classic hourglass shape.

Let me know what you all think of this concept.
If you like it, I promise the next time… the execution will be a bit better.
For one, I won’t pick a store with the worst lighting in the world. 

You can shop our looks below.
Thanks so much for stopping by!



party dress



casual chic



going out




What I Wore VLOG #2
“What I Wore” VLOG
Spring Accessory Trends
Spring Fashion Trends: SHOES


*I use revenue-generating affiliate links. It does not influence or effect my choices in any way. 
You can help support my mission… to help women worldwide with their style… by shopping through my links. 
Thank you so much! Erin xo


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 Thanks for reading!

  1. Sandra McReynolds Enns says:

    Yes Yes Yes! THANK YOU SO MUCH for showcasing other body types – thank you!!! Crossing my fingers you do more like this! 🙂 Love your blog btw!

    • busbeestyle says:

      I hope to soon! This was a pretty time consuming process. I think next time, I’ll simply feature the other body type and leave me out to save time. I think my neighbor, Jennifer and I are going to shop next week! Erin xo

  2. Amy says:

    Love seeing different body types in the same looks!

  3. Catherine Chanida Goodner says:

    Hi Erin: I really appreciate your blog and videos. I can tell you put a lot of work and effort into producing a professional product. Love the format of styling different bodies with the same outfits. Very entertaining AND informative 🙂 Thanks!

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