These 4 Easy Tips Will Help You Get (And Stay!) Organized In 2022

Get Your Ducks In A Row

If spandex could talk, my workout leggings would shriek that they’re stretched to the max. So, like many, getting into a regular workout routine is top of mind for my wellness goals in 2022. But there are other wellness resolutions on my list too. Organization for one!

Getting Started

The first step to get and stay organized is to declutter. Whether you edit your closet, the graveyard of beauty supplies taking up residence under your bathroom sink, or toss outdated spices in your pantry, decluttering will give you less to organize.

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Clutter-Free Closet

Closets always seem to need biannual organizing. Last January, I finally made the switch from plastic and wooden hangers to 100% velvet, no-slip hangers and gained about 30% more hanging room in my closet.

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Organized Drawers

Opening a drawer to find stacks of makeup, socks, underwear, or jewelry in a jumbled mess certainly doesn't lend itself to calm or orderly. Drawer organizers keep things neat, but also allow you to see everything you own, making it easier and faster to get ready in the morning.

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Maximize Under Sink Real Estate

If you have that awkward piping under your bathroom sink, it can be a challenge to maximize that space with organization, but these thin storage units are just the right size and hold a LOT of products.

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Orderly Kitchen

The problem with an unorganized fridge or pantry is that when you can't see your food items, they can easily go bad and go to waste. These clear bins keep everything in sight, and they are easy to clean.

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