How To Love Your Tiny Closet…And Make It Functional

There may be no greater luxury for a fashionista than a spacious, luxurious closet. For those who don’t have one, the envy is real. Scrolling through social media, lusting after perfectly appointed, room-size spaces with scads of gorgeous handbags on display, hangers lined up like soldiers at attention in formation, and drawers lined with meticulously folded shirts—not to mention the shoe storage situation—can plunge a person into a state of despair. So what’s a girl to do? If knocking down walls isn’t an option, there are ways to organize and display your wardrobe. Here are some tips on how to love your tiny closet and make it functional.

love your tiny closet bundle of unorganized clothes

1) Purge Your Wardrobe

We all have items that we don’t wear and never will again. Those jeans that don’t button or have seen better days – donate them. The top that has a wine stain. A blazer with pilled areas that can’t be refreshed with a fabric shaver. Say goodbye to them – you won’t miss them, and you’ll free up much-needed real estate for the items you do wear. This goes for scarves, socks, shoes, bags, hats and anything else that lives in your closet but never sees the light of day. For Erin’s tips on how to edit your closet, check out this post. Erin also has a list of organization videos here.

love your tiny closet shirts folded in a metal bin

2) Organize What’s Going Back In

When you have limited space, it’s important to keep your most used items where you can spot them. Hang them on pretty hangers that grab the fabric so items don’t slip to the floor. Keep all the hangers facing in one direction. In addition to evoking a rainbow effect when you open the closet door, color-coding clothing allows you to locate that red or white blouse instantly without digging. Make sure there is sufficient space between items so they won’t get bunched-up and wrinkled. Keeping seasonal items at the front is just sensible – there’s no need for a cashmere sweater in the middle of August. Separate foldable and rollable items and store them in attractive baskets or containers. Tuck those that are most-often used into spaces that are easily accessible. Things that come out less often can live on overhead shelves.

love your tiny closet collection of handbags in woman`s closet

3) Give Your Handbags and Shoes Special Treatment

Ample space for bags to sit up or hang without getting crushed or creased is essential. Compartments for shoes, whether built-in or hanging versions that attach to the door, keep pairs together and protect them from accumulating dust. Sandals should be at the forefront in summer, while boots and heavier footwear can come forward in fall and winter.

love your tiny closet wooden chair, pillows, folded sweaters

4) Create Some Atmosphere

Tuck a chair inside with decorative items on the seat. Put down an animal-print or shaggy rug. Paint the shelves a great, glossy color, or a beautiful bright white. If you have space on the wall, hang a mirror or a piece of art that you love. An upholstered ottoman can provide additional storage and serve as a place to sit while you zip your boots. Sachets or even scented soaps tucked into corners add a lovely whiff of fragrance when you open the door.

love your tiny closet neatly hanging clothes on matching hangers

5) Now, Maintain It!

The smaller the space, the easier it is to clutter it up. Resist the urge to toss your clothes on top of the ottoman at the end of the day. (Put them away with the same diligence you channel to remove your makeup at night, despite being exhausted.) Vacuum the floor and rug regularly. (You can even use a hand vac!) Tip: Grab a Swiffer refill and run it across shoes, bags, shelves and surfaces to keep them dust-free. And remember the one-in, one-out rule when purchasing new items, to keep your closet from becoming overstuffed again.

Do you have any tips to share on how to make your tiny closet appealing and functional? We want to know —  please share in the comments below! In the meantime, check out this post with even more helpful tips.

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