Elevate Your Outfits With Ease! This $37 Style Made Simple Mini Course Will Teach You How

Style Made Simple: Shoes & Accessories

If you’re an email subscriber, you’re probably already aware that last year, I launched my very first style course called Style Made Simple! It’s a step-by-step guide that helps you reset your style and get everything in order on the foundational level of your wardrobe. Then, just a few weeks ago, I launched a mini-course too! The $37 Style Made Simple: Shoes & Accessories mini course is actually an excerpt from the main course, and it touches on how to choose the right shoes and accessories to style your outfits. Sometimes it’s just a simple tweak that can make ALL the difference. I wanted to offer this super easy and attainable option for those of you who just need a jumping-off point to feel and look great in the clothes you already own!

If you are interested in purchasing the mini course, you can find more information here including answers to frequently asked questions and a detailed course overview.


Style Made Simple: Shoes & Accessories mini course

Is This Mini Course For You?

Let me first reiterate that if you’ve already taken the full Style Made Simple course, this mini course is NOT for you. This is because some of the same content was covered in the original course. But, if you are interested in Style Made Simple and not sure you’re quite ready to invest in the full course, you can dip your toe into the water with this mini course. If you answer yes to any of these questions, then this course IS for you!

  • Did you once consider yourself a fashionista, but feel like your magic powers to sparkle and shine are somehow missing?
  • Do you have a ton of clothes, but you aren’t sure how to elevate them and turn your looks into exciting, classy, sexy, and sophisticated outfits?
  • Do you feel like there’s just “something missing” when you get ready to head out the door?
  • Are you interested in finding out how the right shoes can radically transform how you look? Make you look taller, slimmer, AND less frumpy?
  • Are you ever confused about how to add the right accessories to your outfit? So you don’t look “overdone” but rather perfectly done?

Style Made Simple: Shoes & Accessories course

What To Expect

It’s like the icing on the cake. Sure the cake still tastes pretty good without any frosting, but really SO much better with it. That’s how we think of shoes and accessories. Yes, you can grab any old bag or shoes as you fly out the door. But putting just a bit of thought and intention behind your choices really makes a big difference! Here’s what you can expect in my mini course:

  • 2 exclusive style videos breaking down exactly which shoes and accessories you NEED in your closet
  • Game-changing wardrobe basic checklists
  • A carefully curated list of our favorite, high-quality brands
  • Jewelry do’s and don’ts, a necklace guide, and a jewelry by neckline breakdown
  • Helpful shoe basics graphics
  • $37 off the FULL Style Made Simple course should you choose to purchase after completing this mini-course!

Are you ready to invest in YOU? Click here to start the course and put those elevated finishing touches on your favorite outfits!

Thank you to each of you sweet ladies for all of your continued support and encouragement! This course is not only FOR you, but possible because of YOU.

And don’t forget that you can get posts delivered directly to your inbox by becoming an email subscriber. If you would like to receive early access to style resources, exclusive content, and more, make sure you sign up for SMS texts…we’ll send you texts to keep you in the know!

erin busbee

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