VIDEO with Clinique & MsGoldGirl!

My husband always gets frustrated with me because I have zero reaction to good things.

When something good happens in my life, I’m quiet… like real quiet…. and I have no facial expression.

You would never know that I’m beaming on the inside… full of pride.

I’m not sure why I do this.

I could psychoanalyze this behavior (and now that I’m reflecting, I’m certain it’s because celebrating means opening yourself up to disappointment) But, instead of revealing my soul, let’s just say…it takes a LOT to make me feel proud of myself.

So, when I say I’m proud of this project, you know I’m REALLY proud. It’s a moment for me… and I think Marnie too.  We will always remember this once-in-a-lifetime trip to NYC, and our amazing experience with Clinique.

So… here it is… I’M PROUD OF THIS PROJECT.

Huge thanks to my friend, Marnie Goldberg, “MsGoldGirl” for not only encouraging me to start my YouTube channel, BusbeeStyle TV, but also including me in this project with Clinique. She is a true friend and I hope a continued business partner. Love you, Marnie! Erin xo


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