Organizations Helping With The COVID-19 Crisis

And What We Can Do

I’ve been thinking a lot about how we can help during this coronavirus crisis. I know that if I’m thinking about it, you probably are too. Below, you’ll find a list of some amazing organizations that are helping with coronavirus relief. Plus, some ways that our Hive members are saying they’re helping during this time.

Best Pajama Sets, Fashion blogger Erin Busbee of featuring navy snowflake pajamas from Soma Intimates that are on major sale in Telluride, CO, how to help coronavirus relief

Organizations & How They’re Helping

#1 | American Red Cross

Red Cross has had to cancel blood drives across the country at schools and businesses because of the virus. They’re working very hard to set up new places to donate so that hospitals don’t suffer from blood shortages. If you are a healthy, eligible donor, you can find a blood drive near you by clicking here and searching by zip code.

#2 | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The CDC is raising funds for emergency needs including support for state and local departments, personal protective equipment (PPE), critical response supplies and more. Including the much-needed supplies for emergency healthcare workers. You can help by donating here.

#3 | CERF+ | The Artist’s Safety Net Visual Artists 

With canceled events, some artists are basically out of a job. CERF+ aims to help artists who can’t work because of the coronavirus. Donating will help artists get back to work after this crisis.
Donate here.

#4 | Meals on Wheels

If you’re not familiar with Meals On Wheels, they deliver meals to seniors and people with disabilities who are unable to prepare their own meals. As you know, seniors are at a much higher risk of getting the virus. So Meals On Wheels is doing everything they can to make sure those seniors stay safe and get the meals they need. But in order to do that they need additional emergency funds. See how you can help and donate here.

#5 | Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation (RWCF) 

Just like so many other businesses, restaurants have had to close their doors, leading so many people to lose jobs. RWCF is directing all funds raised during this time to be allocated in these ways: 50% for direct relief to individual restaurant workers, 25% for nonprofit organizations serving restaurant workers in need, and 25% for zero-interest loans for restaurants to get back up and running. You can donate here.

#6 | Relief International

Relief International is a nonprofit that offers emergency relief worldwide to the places that need it most. Donations are going toward supplies and their programs and services. Donate here.

#7 | Mask Match

Mask Match allows you to send in your N95 mask without leaving your home! Donate your masks to them and they will find the right person/place to send them to. Right now, they’re taking donations for N95, P95, R95, and KN95 masks, surgical masks of all kinds, and homemade masks. Find out how to donate here.

#8 | #GetUsPPE

Healthcare workers are facing major shortages of personal protective equipment. With Get Us PPE, you can donate money and/or equipment. The money goes toward funding PPE purchases, coordination and pickups, and facilitate infrastructure to make sure people get the PPE they need. Find ways to donate here.

#9 | Feeding America

Feeding America helps feel people and communities facing hunger across the nation. The hunger problem in America has only gotten worse since this pandemic started. Every dollar raised is going toward getting food to those communities. Donate here.

#10 | No Kid Hungry

With school closing, more children are being deprived of their hot meals at school. No Kid Hungry is using donations to make sure kids in the hardest-hit areas are getting meals.
Donate here.

#11 | Center For Disaster Philanthropy (CDP)

CDP is supporting local nonprofits in the hardest-hit areas to help them support hourly wage workers, immigrant populations, the elderly, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable communities.
Donate here.

#12 | GoFundMe

This fundraising platform has started a general relief fund that people can donate too. The funds go to organizations helping with coronavirus relief.
Donate here.

Ways Hive Members Are Helping

Seeing all of your ideas and the ways you’re helping give me so much happiness and hope. I love seeing that there’s so much love and helpfulness in the world! For the elderly, for kids, for hospital workers…it’s all so inspiring!

  • Raising money to pick up and deliver meals to first responders and people that work in hospitals
  • Picking up items at the store for those that can’t get out and asking neighbors if they need anything. 
  • Decorate a child’s driveway with chalk because she missed her birthday party or do a “drive by” party.
  • Donating any form of PPE to hospitals
  • Making masks
  • Buying gift cards to give out to supermarket workers
  • Buying gift cards from local business that are closed so that you can use them later but still support them now
  • Church is collecting food to give out to those in need
  • Delivering pizzas to hospital employees
  • Donating to home health care agencies and nursing facilities because they are low on supplies (paper products, toilet paper, etc)
  • Get kids to write letters and draw pictures for people living in retirement facilities, assisted living, and nursing facilities. 
  • Order take out from local restaurants to support them.
  • Buy gift cards from local business that are closed so that you can use them later but still support them now
  • Donate blood (see #1)
  • If you clean out your closet, donate items to a local reseller since their business is down and they can’t get new product
  • Paying the cleaning lady even though she is not coming to work
  • Helping small businesses by shopping local (online)
  • Ordering take out from favorite resturants
  • Tipping more than usual
  • Ways to help small businesses on social media – write a review, share their post or give a shout out, like their post, tag friends, and/or leave nice comments.

Did we miss an organization? Have you found a great way to help? Please share in the comments.

Thank you for stopping by!

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  1. Debbie says:

    Thank you fOr such a thoughtful list. Sometimes it Is hard to knOw how to reach out and help.

  2. Janet says:

    I am having a hard time purging handbags. I cannot come up with a criteria. I love them all!
    Any suggestions?
    Thank you, you are teh best!


  3. Marie Finkbeiner Ramsdell says:

    I want your pj’s

  4. CHristie says:

    Hi Erin, i would love you to do a post about designer sandals to get us in the mood for summer. i am hunting for casual, flat, everyday uniform ones that are chic, comfortable, neutral and go with most everything. thank you!

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