My 3 Best Tips For Cleaning & Purging Your Closet

How To Purge & Downsize Your Closet

Every year we get that feeling that it’s time to get ready for spring. So naturally, we start our spring cleaning! Part of spring cleaning should be editing or purging your closet. Get rid of things you don’t need, donate what you can, and downsize in the process. Right now especially, during the COVID-19 crisis, we have the time to get a head start on the spring cleaning. So I’m sharing my best tips for cleaning out that closet and getting it whipped into shape for spring/summer! Be on the lookout for my next post on closet organizing too!

If you haven’t already, subscribe to my newsletter to get the 2 FREE downloadable checklists you’ll need to edit and organize your closet! I’ve also covered closet editing in videos here and here. And make sure you watch my style reboot series if you’re not sure where to start with your style.

How To Edit Your Closet, Fashion blogger Erin Busbee of sharing her best tips for editing and purging your closet by showing some before and after photos of her organized closet in Telluride, Colorado

#1 | Resources

First, you’ll need to make sure you have the right supplies. Before you get started, make sure you have these things to make the editing process easier.
I highly recommend you have a rolling rack. You can take clothes out of your closet and hang them on the rack so you can see them all more easily. If you don’t have room in the budget for a rolling rack, laying the clothes on your bed is another option.
Next, you’ll want matching hangers. These are a must-have! I prefer the clear plastic hangers (make sure you get shirt/dress hangers and pant/skirt hangers) because you can waterfall with them to save space. But many people prefer the velvet hangers. Either are great, but you can’t waterfall the velvet ones so you’ll need a waterfall hanger as well.

Next, you’ll need trash bags to put your clothes in, cardboard boxes for bulkier items like bags and shoes, and cleaning supplies because you will inevitably have to deal with dirt and dust!

How To Edit Your Closet, Fashion blogger Erin Busbee of sharing her best tips for editing and purging your closet by showing some before and after photos of her organized closet in Telluride, Colorado

#2 | Questions To Ask Yourself

Does this fit AND flatter my body?

I suggest only keeping sizes that are one size up or down because that probably means it won’t fit anytime soon. There’s no point in keep those skinny jeans that will fit when you lose the ten pounds. Items like that are just negative reminders of unmet goals.

Have I worn it lately?

I’m giving you two years! If you haven’t worn it in two years…get rid of it! Obviously you can keep those sentimental, special occasion pieces (like a wedding dress), but try to store them in a different closet or space if you have it. Some other exceptions might be fur, leather, suede, cashmere, or just anything sentimental.

Do I feel cute wearing this?

You need to feel good about everything you wear. It should give you a feeling of confidence and happiness! If the item doesn’t make your feel cute, awesome, or joyful, donate it!

Is it in great shape?

Look for items with stains, (unintentional) rips, pilling, discoloration, and/or an overall worn look. Certain items we wear over and over again will start to look more worn and beaten down. Those are the items you should put in your trash pile.

How To Edit Your Closet, Fashion blogger Erin Busbee of sharing her best tips for editing and purging your closet by showing some before and after photos of her organized closet in Telluride, Colorado

#3 | What To Do With It All

While you’re going through this process, you need a system. Remember those trash bags and boxes I said you’d need? You’ll use those for three piles…trash, donate, and cleaners/tailors. Your trash pile is for the worn down, damaged pieces nobody will want to wear. The donate pile is full of clothes that you once loved but now need a new home. You can take them to a thrift store or local church. And the last pile is the cleaners/tailors pile. These are the clothes you noticed while editing your closet that just needs some love. Maybe one has a stain you didn’t see before or a button is missing on something. You can get those things fixed and keep them!

How To Edit Your Closet, Fashion blogger Erin Busbee of sharing her best tips for editing and purging your closet by showing some before and after photos of her organized closet in Telluride, Colorado

Bonus Tips

These three key steps should help you get through that closet a lot easier! Just a few more things I should mention…

  • Give yourself a full two days to complete this process.
  • Every three feet is about 100 hangers, so keep that in mind when buying those matching hangers.
  • If you’re wondering how often you should do this…I recommend at least once a year but twice is better so you can do it for spring/summer and fall/winter.

More Editing/Organizing Tips

How To Purge & Downsize Your Wardrobe *3 Best Closet Clean Out Tips*
My Best Tips For Small Closet Organization *Must Watch*
How To organize Your Drawers So They Stay Organized (You Need To Try This)
*Genius* Jewelry Organization Ideas To Maximize Your Space

Are you cleaning out your closet during this coronavirus quarantine? Let me know in the comments below!

If you want more style inspiration, you might want to order or download my Style Made Simple guide here. It’s a great way to kick start your style this year! And if you use this link to sign up for my email list, you will get 40% off the guide!

Thank you for stopping by!

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  1. […] things we no longer use or need. In fact, we’ve covered how to clean and purge your closet here AND how to detach and let go of things here. But Spring Cleaning can also relate to an internal […]

  2. Kristin says:

    I love your Youtube videos, Erin! Thank you for all you do!

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