Tracy Anderson…The Post Pregnancy Magician

About five months after having my son, I could fit back into my jeans, which was a very exciting milestone! I was also back to my pre-baby weight. So…it looked like everything was back in order.  Except…it was not.

My legs, arms, and tummy were such a mess! Pretty much everything felt jiggly and stretched out.  To try and fix this, I defaulted to what I know best… running. I trained and ran the San Antonio half-marathon. One would think after several months of regular running and sensible eating that my body would be back on track. Except…it was not.

I could literally take skin from my stomach and stretch it out multiple inches. I tried a drastic Paleo, 30-day diet. That worked for weight, but did nothing for the jiggle or excess skin.  I had just about resigned myself to a lifetime of loose tops and mom jeans….until I discovered Tracy Anderson.

I don’t often toss around the word ‘magician,’ but what this woman has done for my body after not one, but two pregnancies is nothing short of MAGIC.  It’s still not perfect, but I can now wear fitted tops and mid-rise jeans which is magic enough for me.  Take a look at the before and after pictures below…



If I tried, I could stretch that skin another three inches…no joke!


This overhang is what made wearing fitted T’s and shirts unflattering



There is still a bit of skin hanging over, but about 1/3 as much as before


Not perfect, but much better than before!


This enables me to wear fitted T’s and shirts as well as lower rise jeans!

It’s called the Tracy Anderson Method: Post Pregnancy Workout.  If you want to try it before buying it, you can find the video in its entirety on YouTube.

I did this five days a week for six weeks. To save time, I skipped the warm-up and cool down. (I’m not suggesting that’s a good idea, that is simply what I had to do from a time perspective.) I also reduced carbs (breads, rice, potatoes), but I didn’t deprive myself of daily treats like french vanilla coffee creamer and a skinny cow ice cream sandwich.

This Post Pregnancy Workout DVD is really difficult! I promise you will hate Tracy, the music and me for the first week, but stick with it because it is worth it.

IF you still aren’t convinced, think about how hard it was for me to post belly fat photos. 🙂

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  1. […]  Tracy Anderson: The Post Pregnancy Magician Tracy Anderson Update & Review Tracy Anderson Continuity Review video […]

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