Self-Care Isn’t All Or Nothing: 5 Easy Habits To Improve Your Wellbeing

Take Care Of YOU

Do you fall into the self-care all or nothing trap? You know, you decide you’re going to adopt a wellness habit, stick to it for a couple of days, and then, once life trips you up, you just toss the whole attempt? Yeah, I’ve done it too. But here’s the thing. It’s not really our fault. We’ve been sold on the idea that we have to go “all in” with something in order to be successful. Let me tell you – this is not true! In fact, if I’m going to be perfectly honest (I am!), the opposite is more true. Finding small, simple habits to improve well-being will serve you better in the long run.

You’ll be able to sustain these practices and use them when you need to. Instead of thinking of self-care as major surgery to your life, find minor ways to check in with your mind and body to help you move through the chaos of your day. These five habits are easy to practice whenever you need or want to. They can help you pause, be in the moment, and recenter yourself. Some of them you can even use anywhere, so you’ll have a handy self-care toolbox at the ready when you need it. 

Don’t forget how important a good night’s sleep is to your wellbeing! You can read more about that here.


habits to improve wellbeing, Woman breathing deeply, self care, self care routine, how to find time for self care

Easy Habits To Improve Wellbeing

#1) Breathe Deeply

With just one deep breath an amazing reaction happens in your body. Immediately your heart rate slows, which then causes your stress levels to go down. But sometimes, especially when we’re caught up in our own heads, even one deep breath is difficult. When that happens, there are tricks you can do to help. This breathing necklace is like a short, metal straw. To make your breath go through it, you need to breathe calmly and deeply. Plus, focusing on making it work helps take your mind away from your current stressor, and it’s sleek enough to wear or keep in your bag. You can also use an essential oil roll-on, like this one. The fragrance will help remind you to take deep breaths. And if you’re not a fan of essential oils, try keeping a sample size of your signature fragrance nearby for the same effect.

habits to improve wellbeing, back of woman in shower, self care, self care routine, how to find time for self care

#2) Indulge In a Luxe Shower

The spa bath is a ubiquitous image of women’s self-care. But sometimes when I most need to take a moment for myself and relax, setting up a beautiful bath feels like too much work. That’s when up-leveling your regular shower can help. With some simple swaps, your shower can become a haven of relaxation and mindfulness. Just toss one of these shower bombs on your shower floor and let the hot water activate the rich aromas. Can it get any easier? You can also choose a decadent shower gel and skin reviving shower brush to help you get the most out of your daily shower session.

habits to improve wellbeing, woman using headphones at work, self care, self care routine, how to find time for self care

#3) Find Silence

Now that our work lives and home lives are pretty much piled on top of each other, it can be a little overstimulating. We are constantly bombarded with alerts, conversations, and background noise. Over time, it can just be too much.  When you wish you could just stop all of the noise, these headphones can give you that gorgeous silence. Yes, you can actually use them for your own music or background noise, but you don’t have to. And no one will be the wiser. Not a headband-style earphones person? They also come as earbuds

habits to improve wellbeing, woman with her feet on accupressure mat, self care, self care routine, how to find time for self care

#4) Create a Little Pressure

Reflexology is the application of pressure in certain areas of the body, typically the feet and hands, to relieve stress and anxiety. The area where you press and how you press can help relax seemingly unrelated parts of your body and mind. While you can just use your fingers to apply pressure, using specialized tools will help you activate your nervous system more deeply and help you find better results. Sometimes, though, you may want even a little more pressure activation, especially if you have poor posture at your computer all day (guilty!). This acupressure pillow can really get into your pain points. Plus, if you work in an office, it’s discreet enough to use there too.

habits to improve wellbeing, woman using Tibetan Singing Bowl, sound therapy, self care, self care routine, how to find time for self care

#5) Try Sound Therapy

Tibetan spiritualists believe that certain sound frequencies can clear auras and promote healing and wellbeing. When you hear a particular sound and its harmonies, it can create a calming feeling in your body by slowing down your brain waves. Using a Tibetan Singing Bowl can give you the chance to use sound to create relaxation. The beautiful bowls can also become an integral part of your décor without drawing too much attention.

For more easy ways to start a self-care routine, you’ll want to check out this post.

Which of these habits do you think you will use? Are there any I left out? Let me know in the comments.

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