Make A Style Statement That Shows You’ve Got It Going On!

One of the easiest ways to add interest, excitement, and appeal to your outfit is by adding impactful jewelry. What does this look like? Well, it can be a fabulous pair of drop earrings, a chunky statement necklace, or a bold cocktail ring…But it can also be dainty layered necklaces or bracelets. When you hear “statement,” I think many of our brains go right to “go big or go home.” But you can make a statement with a stack of multiple delicate pieces if one bold piece isn’t your style.

I recently added these 2 pieces of Dean Davidson jewelry to my collection and LOVE the bright blue color. I have the same ring in crystal quartz which I also love, but the icy blue is such a fun color for the fall, winter, and holiday seasons. Dean Davison pieces are high-quality, brushed with 22-karat gold or palladium. While gorgeous, they are also wearable! I don’t look at either of these pieces as “specialty” items to tuck away for special occasions. I’ll wear both with jeans and a sweater AND dressier fall/winter outfits.

Speaking of fall outfits AND impactful jewelry, be sure to check out this post where I share 10 stylish outfits for fall and some new favorite jewelry finds too!

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