
Best Natural Supplements for Treating 9 Common Menopause Symptoms

When I expressed to you all that I was experiencing symptoms of menopause, the outpouring of support and resources that I received from this community was incredible! I was so overwhelmed by all the emails and support that I received, that I felt it was too valuable not to share all this information with you. So in this post, I am sharing the wealth of info I have received about natural remedies for menopause.

fashion blogger over 40 discusses menopause symptoms how to treat naturally

What I’m Doing

I am so grateful to have received so much support about dealing with menopausal symptoms, and it shows how willing everyone is to talk about this topic that frankly, is rarely discussed openly. That being said, I am not a doctor, and I don’t know fully how effective each of these supplements are for menopause symptoms and hormone levels. I can, however, speak about my own experience, so before we dive into the supplements I’ve learned about, I’m going to give you a quick rundown of what I have been doing for my own symptoms.

Weight Gain

For my belly and my weight gain (I gained about 10 pounds), I have made some important dietary changes. This includes giving up dairy, giving up meat (aside from fish and eggs), and giving up heavy carbohydrates. I also do not eat anything with added sugar.


I have also made changes to my exercise routine. I was doing a workout program called p.volve for almost a year. It’s low impact and wonderful on your joints, but I don’t think it’s as effective as I’d like so I’m now doing my favorite… Tracy Anderson again. I am doing Tracy every single day now in quarantine and I’ve noticed a big difference in my thighs after just four weeks.

These changes have seemed to work for me. I have lost the extra pounds, but more importantly, I feel better. I feel less puffy, and can button my pants again!


As far as women’s health supplements go, I am taking Omega-3, vitamin D, B Complex, evening primrose oil, collagen powder, dandelion root, glucosamine, and HRT like estrogen and progesterone.

Vaginal Health

I also got three ThermiVa laser treatments to help with vaginal dryness and painful intercourse. If nothing else, please take away that this treatment is a LIFE-CHANGER. DO not hesitate. Talk to your doctor and make an appointment ASAP. It’s worth EVERY SINGLE PENNY. (Yes, I’m shouting.)

Of course, this is just my routine, and the important part is finding remedies for menopause that work for YOU! There are so many options out there, and often the best place to start is the simplest… with diet and exercise.

fashion blogger over 40 treats menopause symptoms weight gain fatigue naturally

Best Natural Supplements for Menopause Symptoms

We’re going to go through many supplements for menopausal women. However, before you change your diet or add new supplements, remember to speak with your doctor. The most important advice you can receive is from someone who can evaluate your circumstances personally, and a doctor is the best person to do that. Keep scrolling for all the details…

More Menopause Related Posts

I talk about my favorite at-home workout apps in this post if you need some inspiration.
I also just did a whole video on how to get thicker hair. You can watch that video here.

What are YOU doing to treat your peri-menopausal or menopausal symptoms?? Please share in the comments. If you haven’t already subscribed, you can sign up for my exclusive newsletter here and get a ton of resources including your wardrobe basics checklists.

Thank you so much for stopping by!

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