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Closet Organizing


Closet Organizing | You’ve still got shirts from 1982 in your closet? (You know who you are!) Busbee Style will weed out the old and outdated and create a clean, clutter-free closet full of modern, wearable clothes. Guaranteed to stop you from saying, “I have nothing to wear.”


Closet Organzing or Editing Session:

Erin or Camilla will visit the scene of the crime, your closet. The two of you will go through each and every piece in your closet to determine if it’s current and workable in your wardrobe or old and outdated. If it’s waayyy out of style, we will talk about tossing it or donating it. BUT, don’t worry, you will of course get to keep some sentimental pieces, like the dress you wore to prom.


One of the closet organization essentials are hangers that swivel and are the same size and shape. Erin will hang all of your clothes on the new and improved hangers.


The clothes will be organized according to type, season and color. This will literally transform your closet and the way you see it. Your closet will become your very own boutique!

Shoes & Accessories

The last step (no pun intended) is to organize shoes, handbags and accessories. Erin will recommend sorting them using a method that
best fits your closet space as well as your budget.

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