A New Do, A New You

Not since I was 25 years old have I cut any significant length off my hair.

Preceding that I always kept it short to look ‘older’ and more professional as a TV journalist.

As I got older (for real), I felt that cutting my hair would only make me look older and less…well… attractive.

In all those years (15 for those who don’t like math) I had not even pondered cutting my hair.

Even though every time I wash my hair, it takes me 40 minutes to dry. 40 minutes! And, I think to myself, woah… I have a lot of hair, and will it ever freakin dry?

I happened to stumble across this photo of Gwyneth Paltrow this morning (below) before my hair appointment.

I liked the hair. It looks chic, sophisticated… and free.

So I decided to take a risk, and cut…free.

Want to know the first comment I received outside the hair salon (inside doesn’t count)….?

“You look younger.”



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