Pocket Pops

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Pocket Pops®

Introducing Pocket Pops®… the first, easy-to-use, innovative pocket inserts that add some ‘POP’ to the back of your jeans, pants and shorts! You can even wear them in your blazer pockets.

Pocket Pops® come in a variety of colors, patterns, studs and sequins, including bright blue, red & white polka dots and glittery gold. They also come in two sizes, small (ages 3 – 9) and large (ages 10+).

Texas-based Wardrobe Stylist, Erin Busbee, invented Pocket Pops as a simple and affordable way for girls and women to customize their jeans.


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Pocket Pops®

From sequins to stripes, these unique, fun, and fashionable Pocket Pops will definitely add pop to your jeans, pants, shorts or blazers!

Choose from one of our FOUR collections: 

1.) Booty Bling:

In this collection you can expect an assortment of sparkly pops from silver to gold to sequined pink!

2.) Bold & Beautiful:

Prints, prints, prints! In this assortment of Pocket Pops you will receive bold patterns like stripes, florals and geometric prints.

3.) Kids’ Collection:

A collection of whimsical prints perfect for your little ones. Expect polka dots, stars, hearts and a bit of sparkle!

4.) Erin’s Picks:

Wardrobe Stylist, Erin Busbee, will pick a mix of her favorite’s from all of the collections


Wholesale Price: $10

If you are interested in buying 10 sets, we can offer wholesale price, + sales tax

Suggested Retail: $20


We offer TWO sizes:

  •      Small – Ages 3 – 10
  •      Large – Ages 10+

Minimum Order:

Currently, we require a minimum order of 10 pairs. Pocket Pops are ideal for boutique owners looking for innovative, conversational products to engage shoppers.


Expect orders within 4 to 6 weeks of ordering (or sooner)


Customization upon request.

When Do We Charge You:

We charge when we ship the order.


(803) 692-1133

