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How to Curb Your Sugar Cravings With These Quick and Easy Switches

Sugar. Oh man – hang on ’cause we’re going there. We know it isn’t good for us, and that it can increase our risks of weight gain, fatty liver disease, diabetes, and heart disease. These risks are not good, but they’re also not immediate. So, if you’re like a lot of people, those risks aren’t enough to get you to stop eating sugar. But did you know that there are more immediate side effects of eating sugar that are also bad? Sugar can cause headaches, hunger, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, bloating, and anxiety. Ok then, what are you supposed to do when you just want something sweet? Don’t worry. You can have your cake and eat it too – sort of.

If you’re looking for healthy, low-sugar drink options be sure to check out this post!

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Curb Sugar Cravings

First, think about your cravings for sugar. Where do they come from? When do they strike? For me, it’s that period of time between lunch and dinner when my energy naturally dips that sends me into a deep pantry dive. Some people, on the other hand, make sugar part of their nighttime routines. When they don’t have a treat after dinner, they notice. So, knowing if you crave sugar as a reward, as a comfort, or simply as a habit is important.

While it may be tempting to cut all sugar out of your diet, moderation is key. These are a few ways you can curb those sugar cravings:

  • Eat sweet fruits and veggies (like sweet potatoes) – these will satisfy your sweet tooth, and you’ll benefit from natural vitamins and minerals that sugary snacks just don’t have.
  • Use sweet spices as sugar alternatives – like vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg. These can be added to coffee, smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, etc.
  • Get enough magnesium – did you know magnesium regulates glucose, insulin and dopamine (the pleasure hormone) and a magnesium deficiency could lead to sugar cravings?
  • Rebalance your sweet scale – lowering how much sugar you eat in non-sweet foods will help make your fruits and desserts taste sweeter. You won’t need as much to curb the craving!

Be thoughtful and intentional about when you consume sugar. That also means finding alternatives to sugar that work and taste like sugar. So when you can, use quick and easy sugar swaps. I’m sharing my favorites below!

What are your go-to sugar alternatives? How do you beat your sugar cravings? Let me know in the comments!

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Granular Sugar Switches

When you need something that looks and tastes like granular sugar, try one of these options. They're great in coffee or on popcorn!

Baking Sugar Switches

If you're baking, try one of these options! They give sweetness but also mix thoroughly into batters and doughs to offer the same consistency as sugar.

Multi-Purpose Sugar Switches

Here's a one-and-done sugar alternative. You can use it the same way you'd use regular cane sugar. The possibilities are endless!

Sugar Craving Support

If you just need some help curbing your sugar cravings, here's a supplement that should keep them at bay.
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